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Connect Storyblok

You add and maintain the written and visual content for your store in Storyblok. Connecting Storyblok is required for using Instant Commerce.

Make sure you've already set up your Storyblok account and verified your email address (otherwise the integration will stop working after some time).


To be able to deploy your store, you need to upgrade your subscription. The minimum plan is sufficient for launching your store.
After Storyblok's 14 day free trial your account will continue to run on the free community plan.

You don't need to create a new space in Storyblok. Instant Commerce will automatically create and connect a new space in Storyblok after integrating.

Integrate Storyblok with Instant Commerce

  1. Go to the Personal access token page in Storyblok
  2. Click Generate new token. This token will only be shown once, so copy it now and save it somewhere.
  3. Under Expiration, select Custom and set a date in the far future such as 9999-12-31. (If you don't, you'll have to generate a new token and enter it in Instant Commerce every time your token expires.)
  4. Go to Instant Commerce > Integrations > Storyblok > Enable. Paste the token you copied under Personal access token.
  5. Save your changes.

Instant Commerce just automatically created and connected a new space in Storyblok. Go take a look!

You can customize your collection pages and upload your product and brand images.

Launch your store

After setting up Storyblok and customizing your Instant Commerce store, it's time to check if everything is ready to launch your store.