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JavaScript API

Window objects

window.Instant objects provide several blocks with storefront data, such as cart and customer information, as well as some helpful functions, eg. to show toasts.


In the dropdown you can see the information that is available on the window.Instant.cart object:


"addLine": Function,
// Contains the Shopify cart ID
"externalId": "gid://shopify/Cart/e29bf31b9c8f37075c1b60fd7cc4941f",
"lines": [
"attributes": [{
"key": "Initials",
"value": "BJ"
"id": "gid://shopify/CartLine/5af81736b0b27adf6ce87b2c5e81b3ef?cart=c62a95368e445cfbafdb756c50300387",
"product": {
"id": "gid://shopify/Product/7357686874282",
"handle": "adapt-fleck-seamless-long-sleeve-crop-top",
"variant": {
"id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/42907954839722",
"title": "XS / Black"
"quantity": 5
"updateLines": Function

Add products to cart

You can use the window.Instant.cart object to add products to the cart with the addLine function.

addLine function
window.Instant.cart.addLine = (params: {
// Add attributes to the cart line
attributes?: Array<{ key: string; value: string; }>
// Error callback
onError?(e: unknown): void;
// Success callback, includes the cart object
onSuccess?(cart: CartShopify): void;
// The Shopify product ID to add
productId: string;
// @default 1
quantity?: number;
// Show cart modal on success
showModalOnSuccess?: boolean;
// The Shopify product variant ID to add
variantId: string;
}) => Promise<CartShopify>
addLine example
attributes: [{
key: "Initials",
value: "BJ"
productId: "gid://shopify/Product/7357686874282",
quantity: 2,
showModalOnSuccess: true,
variantId: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/42907954839722"

Update cart lines

You can use the window.Instant.cart object to update cart lines with the updateLines function.

updateLines function
window.Instant.cart.updateLines = (params: {
lines: Array<{
// Update cart line attributes, pass empty array to clear
attributes?: Array<{ key: string; value: string; }>
// Line ID of line to update
id: string;
// Update quantity
quantity?: number;
// Error callback
onError?(e: unknown): void;
// Success callback, includes the cart object
onSuccess?(cart: CartShopify): void;
}) => Promise<CartShopify>
updateLines Example
lines: [{
attributes: [{
key: "Initials",
value: "BJ"
id: "gid://shopify/CartLine/fe3b13a2-0888-4091-a1e3-594c5a0f84db?cart=c7d084d11c58b1d99703aa94e04f07f2",
quantity: 2


The window.Instant.request object contains information about the visitor’s requests to the server, which can be used to add personalizations based on specific parameters, such as visitor’s country.


// Country code in the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format.
// In case the country could not be determined, the value will be "XX".
// In case the visitor is on the TOR network, the value will be "T1".
country: "NL",
// Unicode locale identifier
locale: "nl"


The window.Instant.Toast object is a Toast; a non-disruptive message that appears on top of the interface to provide quick and short feedback on the outcome of an action. It is used to convey general confirmation for actions that aren’t critical.


create: (
options: {
message: string;
type?: "info" | "success" | "warning" | "error";
position?: "top-left" | "top-center" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right"
// Duration to show toast for in ms
// @default 8000
duration?: number;
className?: string;
id?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
) => {
id: String;
// Dismiss the toast (plays exit animation)
dismiss: () => void;
// Remove the toast (immediate without animation)
remove: () => void;
// Dismiss all toasts (plays exit animation)
dismissAll: () => void;
// Remove all toasts (immediate without animation)
removeAll: () => void;
window.Instant.Toast Example
const toast = window.Instant.Toast.create({
message: "Test",
position: "top-left",
duration: Infinity



Add to cart

When a product is going to be added to the cart, the storefront will dispatch the instantAddToCart event. This event is cancelable, so an event listener can be implemented to prevent it from taking place. You can implement your own logic to do this.

instantAddToCart event

/** @event instantAddToCart */
CustomEvent {
cancelable: true,
detail: {
product: {
"title":"Otti Combat Boot",
"description":"Bokma Bourbon Cask 5Y is a true competitor of a classic bourbon. Aged for 5-years in American oak, but still a real Dutch genever. Perfect for the bourbon lover who likes to try something new or to give our latest generation a chance to meet this genuinely unique but traditional Dutch drink. A refined recipe, but now brand new. 0.7L - 38% Vol.",
"descriptionHtml":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\"><meta charset=\"UTF-8\">\n<p data-mce-fragment=\"1\">Bokma Bourbon Cask 5Y is a true competitor of a classic bourbon. Aged for 5-years in American oak, but still a real Dutch genever. <br data-mce-fragment=\"1\">Perfect for the bourbon lover who likes to try something new or to give our latest generation a chance to meet this genuinely unique but traditional Dutch drink. <br data-mce-fragment=\"1\">A refined recipe, but now brand new.<br data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></p>\n<p data-mce-fragment=\"1\"><em data-mce-fragment=\"1\">0.7L - 38% Vol.</em></p>\n<br>",
"vendor":"Sunny Shoes",
"title":"Black / 38",
"title":"Black / 38",
// Call this to still add to cart after defaultPrevented
resume: async () => void
AddToCart cancelation example
document.addEventListener('instantAddToCart', (e) => {
// Cancel the event

// Insert some custom logic here

// Continue adding to cart


When the storefront is going to redirect to the checkout, it will dispatch the instantCheckout event. This event is cancelable, so an event listener can be implemented to prevent the redirect from taking place, allowing you to implement your own logic to do this.

checkout event

/** @event instantCheckout */
CustomEvent {
cancelable: true,
detail: {
checkoutUrl: ""
Checkout cancelation example
document.addEventListener('instantCheckout', (e) => {
// Cancel the event

// Insert some custom logic here

window.location.href = e.detail.checkoutUrl;

Page load

When a page is loaded in the storefront, after navigating, the storefront dispatches the event instantLoadPage. The type of the page is passed to the event details. You can use this to execute specific logic on the cart page.

`LoadPage` event
/** @event instantLoadPage */
CustomEvent {
cancelable: false,
detail: {
// Page type, can be: 'account', 'activate-account', 'blog-post', 'blog',
// 'cart', 'forgot-password', 'home', 'login', 'product-listing',
// 'product-detail', 'register', 'search', 'wishlist', 'dynamic'
"page": "cart"

Update cart line

When someone changes quantity on a line of the cart, the storefront will dispatch the instantUpdateCartLine event. This event is cancelable, so an event listener can be implemented to prevent the quantity change from taking place.

UpdateCartLine event example
/** @event instantUpdateCartLine */
CustomEvent {
cancelable: true,
detail: {
"lineId": "gid://shopify/CartLine/5af81736b0b27adf6ce87b2c5e81b3ef?cart=c62a95368e445cfbafdb756c50300387",
"quantity": 3
UpdateCartLine cancelation example
document.addEventListener('instantUpdateCartLine', (e) => {
// Cancel the event

// Insert some custom logic here

Subscribe to newsletter

When someone enters their email and clicks subscribe to newsletter, the storefront will dispatch the instantSubscribeToNewsletter event. This event is cancelable, so an event listener can be implemented to prevent the default API call from taking place, allowing you to implement your own API.

When canceling, make sure that eventually you call onError or onSuccess, so the storefront knows when the newsletter form is no longer in a loading state.

SubscribeToNewsletter event example
/** @event instantSubscribeToNewsletter */
CustomEvent {
cancelable: true;
detail: {
input: {
email: string;
onSuccess(showToast?: boolean): void;
onError(message: string): void;
SubscribeToNewsletter cancelation example
document.addEventListener('instantSubscribeToNewsletter', (e) => {
// Cancel the event

// Insert some custom logic here
